[法国/四级] 曼谷肉宴Body body a Bangkok (1980)[634MB/AVI/ED2K/CT]

【影片名称】:曼谷肉宴Body body a Bangkok (1980)
【影片格式】: AVI
【影片大小】: 634MB
【影片时间】: 01:06:00
【有否有码】: 无碼
【解压密码】: 1234
【影片简介】: 让-玛丽·帕拉蒂(Jean-Marie Pallardy)作品,《一个泰国女人的秘密日记》的姐妹篇
This is not exactly the same film as above, but very close to it, EGAFD mentions : “uses lots of footage from Le journal erotique d'une Tha?landaise” and there are a lot of common scenes, but also different ones.
【电馿地址】: ed2k://|file|曼谷肉宴Body.body.a.Bangkok.(1980).avi|663862496|16C8F84A0EC27B31DD4D60A1F50DAE55|h=D6FRTZTH6DTO6WDAB5EW6YSUP6R6KLKH|/